In the time when I don’t feel too guilty neglecting farmer duties, I love writing articles about orthomolecular methods in farming. I submit some to the peer-reviewed body of truthful science that has been managed by Dr. Andrew W. Saul for decades.
My latest article describes the relationship between orthomolecular science and microbiome science and how humanity can embrace these two bodies of science to walk (run) away from pharma-funded lies in science.
In the article, I included some of the methods we use on the farm to restore the microbiome balance to a balance that eliminates the prevalence of disease in a farm community and other living systems (like our bodies).
Returning to Eden
We refer to the science we use on the farm as “God’s Garden Science.” The nutrients we use in high doses to resolve incidence of disease were present in Eden: God-designed molecules. The microbial balance that we strive to achieve here was a balance that was likely present in Eden.
Although we came into farming a decade ago with a more “new-age” if not secular world view, the provable results we experience in our farm community point us back to Eden and to scripture as the actual truth, fundamental truth.
Here’s a link to the article. It is long, so enjoy the read!
Here’s a link to Dr. Saul’s website, which was one or the first websites we found about orthomolecular healing.
With this post, I’m turning on paid subscriptions here in substack. I love to share this information freely, but I also love to see financial acknowledgement that the information you’re receiving is valuable. Orthomolecular methods can save your life and drastically improve your health (and the health of your animals). How much is that worth?
Subscribe if you want me to write more. I may write some more expanded articles just for subscribers. Your subscriptions go to The Orthomolecular Garden Church and are thus tax deductible. We will provide receipts for amounts over $250 at a time.
Another way to support our mission is to moove your dollars into MoolaCoin™, our private milk-standard currency. We have big plans for MoolaCoin as a decentralized sustenance-based currency, and funding it now will accelerate the rollout of the MoolaCoin Exchange and MoolaCoin Trust to back the currency and expand its use. So fund away!
Currently, you can use MoolaCoin to purchase products from our farm. We are testing shipping methods now, and will have some offerings available to ship in a couple weeks.